Recently on press: Photographer Notebooks by Jim Hair
64 pages, 3.5" w x 4.25" h rounded corner and saddle stitched. Printed using both offset lithography and letterpress, these notebooks contain 7 pages of Jim’s tips, techniques and inspirations to share with fellow film photographers. The remaining pages are printed in a “non-repro blue” grid for the photographer to take notes, sketches, etc. From Jim’s website:
“My intention in making this available is to assist anyone interested in documenting their life as they experience it through the viewfinder of a camera.”
Jim recently retired from the legendary Blue Moon Camera and Machine and as such, he has decided to no longer wear a tie. This is a good thing for him, but it may be a sign that he will soon go off the grid, or hit the high seas, so pick up a notebook while you still can.
Jim Hair photographing Eric while here at the shop during a press check.